Impact Distribution

On this page, you will find case studies of the impact distribution for films by Sambaqui Cultural, always carried out in conjunction with the commercial release. Joining forces is our mission in the quest to reach the audience. We hope that our stories can also inspire new initiatives and thus help propel other films, in the win-win style that guides an impact campaign.

Case Study

Childbirth Banned in Paradise, a film by Joana Nin

Films to change the world

The act of releasing a film to the world poses several challenges to filmmakers, who must seek out creative solutions and advantageous distribution partnerships to prevent their film from fading away into obscurity. This gave rise to the idea of an “impact campaign,” a way of thinking and acting that combines community engagement with strategic communication in order to promote audiovisual works tied to social causes.


The first concrete challenge that Brazilian films face is the competition for theater programming, an uneven contest in the pursuit of the same goal: reaching the audience. Nonetheless, theater screenings are far from being the most decisive step. The key point is to ensure viewers are aware of the film’s existence, and that they are both willing and capable of watching it.


Movie theaters are found in only just over 10% of Brazilian cities. In this scenario, alternative movie watching experiences, such as streaming platforms, are here to stay and have quickly become prominent, but that does not mean that their menus are more democratic or inclusive. Screens have multiplied and so has the challenge of reaching them, making it vital to seek out novel ways for showing films.


Sambaqui Cultural is an audiovisual production company dedicated to customized projects, created from socially relevant themes. We aim to create and disseminate films to change the world!
